The Implementation of Teaching Speaking Skill Through Story Completion Technique at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Kunir in Academic Year 2022-2023

Safitri, Resa Indah (2023) The Implementation of Teaching Speaking Skill Through Story Completion Technique at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 1 Kunir in Academic Year 2022-2023. Undergraduate thesis, UIN KH Achmad Siddiq Jember.

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Keywords: Teaching Speaking Skill, Story Completion Technique
This research investigated the use of story completion techniques for teaching speaking abilities. Pursuant to the preliminary study, the researchers found that students' vocabulary and pronunciation were still low, lacked confidence and were confused in speaking English. Thus, the teacher uses the story completion technique to help students be more confident, students do not
feel bored and are active in learning. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research related to the techniques applied by teachers
This research will examine how story completion techniques are used to teach speaking skills. Therefore, the research questions are formulated: 1) how is the purpose of teaching speaking skills through story completion technique? 2)
How is the material of teaching speaking skills through story completion technique? 3) How are steps of teaching speaking skills through story completion technique? 4) How is the evaluation of teaching speaking skills through story
completion technique?
The researcher employed qualitative methodology and phenomenology as a research design. This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Kunir – Lumajang.
The subject in this research was an English teacher and 32 students of eighth grade (VIII B). The data collected was gathered from observation, interview, and document review. To analyze the data, the researcher used Miles Huberman and
Saldana’s theory, which consists of data condensation, data display, and drawing conclusion.
The finding of these research were: 1) the purpose of teaching speaking skill through story completion technique at eighth grade of SMPN 1 Kunir include: a) students more active response, b) students more creative making stories, c) students more wise in discussing, and d) students more confident to presentation. 2) The material of teaching speaking skill through story completion technique at eighth grade of SMPN 1 Kunir about recount text with the topic of
personal experience in the past which includes social functions, text structure, and language feature, 3) The steps of teaching speaking skill through story completion
technique at eighth grade of SMPN 1 Kunir include: a) the teacher instructs students to sit in a circle, b) the teacher distributes worksheets and envelopes, c) the teacher tells stories according to the theme, d) students must continue the story from the teacher, e) students carry out discussions to make stories, f) Each student makes stories of their personal experiences around 4 to 5 sentences, g) The results of student discussions are presented in front of the class. 4) The evaluation of teaching speaking skill through story completion technique at eighth grade of
SMPN 1 Kunir were used formative assessments with two types; written tests, namely making recount texts and practice tests that refer to scoring rubrics for assessing pronunciation, fluency, and accuracy

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2003 Language Studies > 200301 Early English Languages
20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2003 Language Studies > 200302 English Language
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Ms Resa Indah Safitri
Date Deposited: 04 Jul 2023 04:32
Last Modified: 04 Jul 2023 04:32

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