The implementation of barrier game to improve students speaking skill at the 10th grade of ma hasyim asyari tegaldlimo

Umi, Latifah (2023) The implementation of barrier game to improve students speaking skill at the 10th grade of ma hasyim asyari tegaldlimo. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas KH achmad siddiq jember.

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The aim of this research was to improve the student speaking skill used barrier game at the tenth grade of Ma Hasyim Asyari Tegaldlimo. The students had problem in speaking. Based on an interview with English teacher and the results of preliminary study, the students’ speaking skill was still low which was percentage as 30% and the average score was 59.8. Based on the results of preliminary study, they said that speaking English was difficult skill. Besides, they felt weird if there are friends who try to speak in English in class it was not used to it. Learning in class was boring. After discussing with the English teacher, researcher decided to implement barrier game. Barrier game is one of appropriate to improve students’ speaking skill. Barrier game could give motivation and entertainment while learning English.
The research question of this research was “How is the implementation of barrier game able to improve students speaking skill at the tenth grade of Ma Hasyim Asyari tegaldlimo? ‟The objective of the research was to describe How is the implementation of barrier game able to improve students speaking skill at the tenth grade of Ma Hasyim Asyari tegaldlimo .The approach used in this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The classroom action research design used in this research was collaborative classroom action and research. The researcher conducted this research at the X MIPA 1 which consisted of 20 students.
This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps : planning, acting, observing and reflecting. To collect the data, the researcher used the students’ Observation, speaking test, interview and fieldnote .The test was used to find out the improvement of students’ speaking skill after the researcher was conducted. The criteria of success in this research was if the students reached the minimum score (75) are equal to or higher than 65%. The result of cycle one showed that 60% passed the criteria of succes. It meant there was 12 students passed the criteria of succes with 72,3 as the average score in cycle one. While the second cycle showed that there was 80% had passed the criteria of succes. It meant that there was 16 students passed the criteria of succes with 79,9 with average score. It could be said successful.
According to observation, it was concluded that students were interested in learning by implementing Barrier game and they felt enthusiastic in doing the task. The classroom situation also could handled well. The researcher also gave suggestion to the future researcher to conduct better research and emphasized more on the content and organization of speaking skill.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Barrier game ,speaking skill ,CAR
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2001 Communication and Media Studies > 200101 Communication Studies
Depositing User: Umi Latifah Muslikah
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2023 02:16
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2023 02:16

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