فعالية الطريقة المباشرة لترقية مهارة الكلام في الفصل العاشر بمدرسة الصديقية الثانوية الإسلامية للبنات (ASHRI) للسنة الدراسية 2022\2023 م

Fara, Fadlilatul Ikromah (2023) فعالية الطريقة المباشرة لترقية مهارة الكلام في الفصل العاشر بمدرسة الصديقية الثانوية الإسلامية للبنات (ASHRI) للسنة الدراسية 2022\2023 م. Undergraduate thesis, Pendidikan Bahasa Arab.

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The large number of students who have little interest in learning Arabic causes difficulties in learning Arabic at the As-Shiddiqia Putri School (ASHRI) Jember. Using the muhadasah method is expected to have an impact on the maharoh kalam aspect (speaking skills). This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the thariqah mubasyarah (direct method) to improve the Arabic speaking skills of class X A students at MA Ashri Jember. In this study, researchers used quantitative methods. The stages of data collection techniques are 1) Experiment, 2) Observation, 3) Interview, 4) Documentation. The results of the study show that thariqah mubasyarah in improving speaking skills at MA Ashri Jember, especially for class X A, has increased from previous learning. The teacher carries out the learning process by applying various strategies. Learning strategies are varied, namely speaking directly in Arabic, listening to texts, audio, reading texts, writing texts, practicing kalam (speaking) using Arabic (muhadasah). Learning management includes lesson planning, learning implementation, and learning evaluation. The supporting factors for learning Arabic are infrastructure, pleasant teachers, and mastery of the material, the methods used by the teacher, and the motivation of the students themselves. The quality of muhadasah at the school has its drawbacks due to the lack of mufrodat, and the rarity of students practicing kalam in daily life and when learning in class. there is less. Thus, the mufrodat (vocabulary) conveyed is easily forgotten because it is not practiced enough.
Keywords : Speaking skills, Direct methode

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2001 Communication and Media Studies > 200101 Communication Studies
Depositing User: Fara Fadila Elharomain
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2023 04:10
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2023 04:10
URI: http://digilib.uinkhas.ac.id/id/eprint/24985

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