Language Disorder of Emotional and Behavioral, Social and Thinking Disorder (EBSTD) in Inclusive Education at SDN Arjasa 03 Jember

fatmawati, vera (2020) Language Disorder of Emotional and Behavioral, Social and Thinking Disorder (EBSTD) in Inclusive Education at SDN Arjasa 03 Jember. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Shiddiq Jember.

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SDN Arjasa 03 was an educational institution that implemented inclusive education system. There were many students with different psychological conditions given the same opportunities in learning. Different psychological differences in one class, giving teachers a new challenge to understand each condition because many of the children with emotional and behavioral disorders, social and thought disorders were in class so it was referred to as an inclusion classroom where one of the classes used for teaching learning process for all types of children either with special needs. Based on the background, the research questions were 1) What are the causes of language disorder of emotional and behavior, social and thinking disorder in inclusive education at SDN Arjasa 03 Jember?, 2) What are the characteristics of language disorder of emotional and behavior, social, and thinking disorder (EBSTD) in inclusive education at SDN Arjasa 03 Jember?, 3) What kinds of approach used to recover the students at inclusive education at SDN Arjasa 03 Jember?. furthurmore, the research objectives were 1) To describe the causes of languge disorder of emotional and behavior, social and thinking disorder (EBSTD) in inclusive education at SDN Arjasa 03 Jember, 2) To describe the characteristics of language disorder of emotional and behavior, social, and thinking disorder (EBSTD) in inclusive education at SDN Arjasa 03 Jember, 3) To describe the kinds of approach used to recover the students in inclusive education at SDN Arjasa 03 Jember. This research used descriptive qualitative research with field research. The subject of the research used Purposive. Data collections used observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis used data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Data validity used source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results of this research were 1) The causes of language disorder of emotional and behavior disorder were biological factors, family factors and school factors. and the causes of social anxiety disorder were hereditary and trauma with a negative experience in the past and lack of confidence. and the causes of thinking disorder or cognitive disorder are lack of guidance or attention from parents in learning a second language (Bahasa Indonesia) and there was a disease in themselves. 2) The characteristics of emotional and behavioral disorder were changes in attitudes that were not accordance with his age in general like to hold his friend, tended to require more attention than others, the expressions shown were usually like people who were sad or unhappy, physical attacks on other people and these children seemed to be in constant conflict with the environment. The characteristics of social anxiety disorder were shyness and afraid. The characteristics of thinking disorder were difficult to understand they spoke digressly and depression. 3) The approach that used to recover the students at inclusive education at SDN Arjasa 03 Jember were sosio-emotional approach, psycholinguistic approach, and communicative approach.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2003 Language Studies > 200302 English Language
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Anak PSG
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2023 02:11
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2023 02:11

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