Speech Act Used by the Main Characters in Beauty and the Beast Movie Script.

MUAWANA, Ms. (2020) Speech Act Used by the Main Characters in Beauty and the Beast Movie Script. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN JEMBER.

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Achieving the successfulness of communication was not enough by only seeing the grammatical aspects of the utterance, but understanding the speaker’s intention was considered more urgent to avoid misunderstanding in a conversation. Pragmatics was a study which concerned to the interpretation of what the speakers mean in a certain context and how the context affect what they said. Speech act was one of many pragmatics aspects that study people’s utterance. Since movie was reflection of human’s real life, this thesis analysed speech act performed by the main characters in Beauty and the Beast movie. The formulation of the research focus was aimed to answer the question 1) what are the types of illocutionary act employed by the main characters in Beauty and the Beast movie? 2) what are the educational values and the significance of speech act in Beauty and the Beast movie to English language learning? Meanwhile the research objectives in this research were: 1) to identify the types of illocutionary act employed by the main characters in Beauty and the Beast movie. 2) to identify the educational values and the significance of speech act in Beauty and the Beast movie to English language learning. This research used descriptive qualitative research. In compiling the data, the researcher used document analysis. The data were in the form of utterances produced by the main characters in Beauty and the Beast movie. In analyzing the data, this research used classification of illocutionary acts theory by John R. Searle. Investigator triangulation was used as in validating the data, analysis, and the result of this research. The result of this research showed that from 189 utterances, all of the types of illocutionary act proposed by Searle performed in Beauty and the Beast movie, they were (1) representative 60 times, (2) directive 65 times, (3) commissive 24 times, (4) expressive 34 times, and (5) declarative 3 times. (1) Representative had 9 types: informing, describing, convincing, agreeing, denying, stating, deducing, arguing and boasting. (2) Directive had 7 types: asking, commanding, suggesting, warning, advising, suggesting and begging. (3) Commissive had 5 types: planning, promising, refusing, offering, and threatening. (4) Expressive had 8 types: thanking, praising, apologizing, blaming, stating pain, stating surprise, stating confusion, and regretting. (5) Declarative act only had 2 types: declaring and dismissing. The researcher also found a number of the educational values that showed by Belle’s character, they were: Bravery, loyalty, honesty, self-confidence, love affection, and kind and friendly. Meanwhile, the significance of speech act in the movie for English language learning is its use as a media in teaching pragmatics through speech act. For example, teacher asks student to role playing how an inappropriate greeting is used or a miscommunication is acted out based on cultural differences as in the movie

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2003 Language Studies > 200302 English Language
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Anak PSG
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2023 02:13
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2023 02:13
URI: http://digilib.uinkhas.ac.id/id/eprint/30502

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